Tag Archives: photography

Exploring Mahabaleshwar

Pratapgarh FortPratapgarh Fort Panorama ViewMahabaleshwer Panorama ViewMahabaleshwar Panorama ViewFrom Panchgani Table Land Ponarama ViewPanchgani Table Land Ponarama View
Mahabaleshwar Venna Lake Panorama ViewMahabaleshwar Sunrise Point ( Wilson Point ) Panorama ViewMahabaleshwar Sunrise Point ( Wilson Point ) Panorama ViewWater Flow on the way to Pratapgarh FortTemple inside Pratapgarh FortTemple inside Pratapgarh Fort
Pratapgarh FortOls Cannon Guns at Pratapgarh FortPratapgarh Fort Fight Sequence - IPratapgarh Fort Fight Sequence - IIIPratapgarh Fort Fight Sequence - IIMahabaleshwar Venna Lake
Mahabaleshwar Venna LakeMahabaleshwar Venna LakeMahabaleshwar Venna LakeMahabaleshwar Venna LakeMahabaleshwar Venna LakeMahabaleshwar Venna Lake

Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra, a set on Flickr.

My visit to Mahabaleshwar.

Neral – Matheran Mountain Railway

I like rail-fanning though I am not giving too much time on my this hidden activity. But one day I will be active rail-fanning guy.
Want to know all about train and trains. Even though today also its like daily adventure traveling via train in mumbai.

So we have decided to visit Matheran via Neral-Matheran Mountain Railways.
The train timings are very convenient. There are very few routes in India where toy trains are running. You can see http://www.trainenquiry.com/StaticContent/Special_Hills.aspx like for more detail.

In season time and on weekends the trains are running full, so you make sure you book train tickets well in time. You can book tickets via IRCTC website. So we did the same we have already booked the tickets. 🙂

Nerail is situated in Mumbai – Pune rail road. From Neral we can catch Matheran Train which takes 90 minutes average.

Neral-Matheran Train Time Table.

Neral - Matheran Train Time Table

Neral Railway Station

Nerail Junction, Maharashtra

Matheran Railway Station

Neral-Matheran Railway Engine

Matheran Railway Station

Matheran Railway Station

Matheran Railway Station

A View of narrow gauge, it looks very less space between two tracks and put us into confusion that how a train run on such a narrow space.
At Matheran Railway Station

Neral – Matheran Train traveling is all about fun, curves, hight, slow speed, toy train, stops, views and panoramas.

I clicked some of the train engines.
Neral-Matheran Railway Engine

Neral-Matheran Railway Engine

Neral - Matheran Railway Engine

Neral - Matheran Railway Engine

Neral - Matheran Railway Engine

Neral-Matheran Train Engine

One by one every single engine is looking great and perfect. These trains are also used as passing goods to matheran city.
I clicked the insides engines photos also.. every other engines has its own gears and views…

Neral – Matheran Rail Engine Inside Views

Neral-Matheran Railway Engine

Neral - Matheran Railway Engine - Inside

The full track is covered as curves. Multiple curves in the routes.

Curves at Neral – Matheran route

Matheran Railway Track

Matheran Railway Track

And how about passing from tunnel – A fantastic view.
Neral-Matheran Railway Engine in Tunnel

It feels good when toy train stops at between station and you enjoy a sip of tea.
Matheran Mountain Toy Train

Matheran Mountain Toy Train

Train also passes the road multiple times, all the time human barriers are available for others.
Matheran Mountain Toy Train

It again feel fantastic when train give full throttle and full whistle and it gives WOW experience.

Matheran Mountain Toy Train

Matheran Mountain Toy Train

It was really memorable journey. It begins here.
Matheran Railway Station

Old Style Railway Signal on the way to Matheran-Neral

Happy Traveling.

Matheran Hill Railway Photo Journey

Vodpod videos no longer available.


install Picasa 3.0 on Ubuntu 10.4

Quick Update.

I am a flickr Guy but I use Picasa also for my personal fotos.
Now i have upgreaded to Ubuntu 10.4 So I installed Picasa 3.0 to my Ubuntu. Its very easy.

Get the approprate .deb file for that.
Download the deb file from http://picasa.google.com/linux/download.html#picasa30

I downloaded picasa_3.0-current_i386.deb

Once this is copied

dpkg -e picasa_3.0-current_i386.deb

Here you go. Picasa is up and ready to use.

Happy Photography.

फोटो चलचित्र, मैं और flickr

flickr use करना मुझे अच्छा लगता है, हलाकि मैं इतना दमदार photographer नहीं हु, पर फिर भी काम चल जाता है.
Flickr का नाम मैंने तब सुना था जब मैं Yahoo! बंगलोर मैं था, ( अरे भाई as employee नहीं, on client side from my parent company for 3-4 months. 😐 ) सभी लोग Flickr use करते थे. बस फिर क्या था, मैंने भी Flickring करना शुरू कर दिया. 😎

लो इतना सब बता दिया पर मैं link तो दी ही नहीं, My Flickr Photos

अब ये wordpress.com वाले javascript embd tag का option तो देते नहीं है, तो फिर flickriver से अपना badge तैयार कर लिया है.

ganuullu - View my most interesting photos on Flickriver

I am using Sony DSC-W30

अब मेरे बहुत सारे दोस्त कहते है की भाई, अब Flickr का pro account खरीदने की क्या जरुरत है. तो मेरे प्यारे दोस्तों ३६५ (365) दिनों के १२६० (1260) Rs. , तो १ दिन का हो गया ३.५ (3.5) rs.
मात्र ३ और ५० पैसे ( लगभग ) प्रतिदिन, ध्यान से सोचो, कुछ महँगा सौदा नहीं है.

Any way, have fun, today I have extended my flickr pro account for 1 more year, keep in touch.

Happy Photography.