Tag Archives: work

Drupal Bullet Points

I have used Drupal in 2008-2010 and worked on Drupal5 and Drupal6.

I am just collecting some keywords during my learning.

Content Type
annonomouse user
logged in user
Roles and Permissions
role based permission
Single Sign on
drupal plugin software
hook system
event driven system.
Drupal core
Drupal contributed
menu paths
Drupal pages
Drupal index.php
clean urls
site configutaiion..
error reporting…
status report

Now I am not using Drupal, but which my work. This framework was awesome for CMS structure.

Happy Drupal.

tips for a succesull job – funny saying. :: सफल नौकरी करने के कुछ नुस्खे (

नीचे की कुछ पंक्तिया मेरी लिखी हुई नही है, मैंने उसका सिर्फ़ हिन्दी अनुवाद किया है. …

सफल नौकरी करने के कुछ नुस्खे
१. बने रहो पगला, काम करेगा अगला.
२. काम से रहो गुल, त्वन्ख्वा पाओ फुल.
३. मत लो टेंशन, वरना परिवार पायेगा पेंशन.
४. काम से डरो नही, और काम को करो नही.
५. काम करो या न करो, काम के फिक्र जरुर करो.
और फिक्र करो या न करो, जिक्र जरुर करो.

जनहित मैं जारी.

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Got new job, new place, new friends, new work, new city, new home


I wanted to work in mumbai from last so many years. People say this city is dream city and now I also want to see/check/test how my dreams will be fullfill.

Now this is like Yeppyyy !!! I am in mumbai.

I joined Grey Matter India Technologies Pvt.Ltd

Time to hard work.
Have Fun.

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time to move :)

Its time to move. Its time to look for next.

Nearly 672 days with my company ( Aztecsoft Limited ).

I dont have any offer or option where I am joining now, lets take rest for some days.

I Enjoyed work, Enjoyed team-mates, Enjoyed Everything.

Keep in touch.