Tag Archives: drupal

Drupal Bullet Points

I have used Drupal in 2008-2010 and worked on Drupal5 and Drupal6.

I am just collecting some keywords during my learning.

Content Type
annonomouse user
logged in user
Roles and Permissions
role based permission
Single Sign on
drupal plugin software
hook system
event driven system.
Drupal core
Drupal contributed
menu paths
Drupal pages
Drupal index.php
clean urls
site configutaiion..
error reporting…
status report

Now I am not using Drupal, but which my work. This framework was awesome for CMS structure.

Happy Drupal.

Drupal Interview Questions

So while working with Drupal Projects in my previous company. Me and my team prepared some Drupal Interview Question. This does not have everything but this will be for 1st round for sure. If you know these many question then I think you know Drupal For Sure.

Here is the list which is basic Drupal Questions.

  • Drupal Basics – Node, Module, Teaser, theme, Path, taxonomy, Patch, Region, Block, Menu
  • Installation of Drupal, steps and how to upload it on the live site from the local Machine.
  • Core Module in Drupal, their Names and their Functionalities.
  • Hook, Node Concepts
  • Functions and their Functionalities for – t() Function, l() function, Watchdog functions etc
  • Theme System in Drupal.
  • Themes and Theme Templates.
  • Theme Engines (Interface between the Drupal Core and the theme template).
  • Theme Hooks (Provide a way of interaction between the Modules and theme)
  • Theme Template structure and different sections as Page.tpl.php, node.tpl.php, block.tpl.php, box.tpl.php, etc
  • Derivative themes or Sub themes or Theme inheritance concepts that came into existence in Drupal 6, about it and its functionalities.
  • Steps to create a derivative theme and how to move for creating the theme from Derivative themes to a new theme right from scratch.
  • Theme function.
  • Where the Drupal theme functions are defined?
  • How the Drupal Theme functions can be overridden.
  • How to Implement the AJAX Effects on the Block modules in Drupal 6
  • Theme registration and the concepts in Drupal 6.
  • CCK modules and its importance with major functionalities.
  • How to create a Module.
  • How to insert the database table schema from the Modules when they are installed and remove the table scheme when they are un-installed (modules.)
  • User, Permission, Role in Drupal
  • How the Drupal database works?

Please give comments for more Drupal Questions.

Long back I have shard my PHP Interview Questions also.

Happy Programming.